Publications, lectures, and abstracts by Nathaniel Putzig

Peer-reviewed publications

Abu Hashmeh, N., Whitten, J.L., Russell, A.T., Putzig, N.E., 2024. Radar Attenuation Characteristics of Low Reflectivity Zones in the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits. J. Geophys. Res. 129.

Abu Hashmeh, N., Whitten, J.L., Russell, A.T., Putzig, N.E., Campbell, B.A., 2022. Comparable Bulk Radar Attenuation Characteristics Across Both Martian Polar Layered Deposits. J. Geophys. Res. 127.

Aslam, S., Amato, M., Bowles, N., Calcutt, S., Hewagama, T., Howard, J., Howett, C., Hsieh, W.-T., Hurford, T., Hurley, J., Irwin, P., Jennings, D. E., Kessler, E., Lakew, B., Loeffler, M., Mellon, M., Nicoletti, A., Nixon, C. A., Putzig, N., Quilligan, G., Rathbun, J., Segura, M., Spencer, J., Spitale, J., West, G., 2016. Dual-telescope multi-channel thermal-infrared radiometer for outer planet fly-by missions. Acta Astronautica 128, 628-639,

Bernardini, F., Sidney, W.P., Abbud-Madrid, A., Putzig, N.E., Clark, R.N., Perry, M.R., and Smith, I.B., 2018. Mars Prospector: Leading the way to in-situ resource utilization on the Red Planet. 69th Int. Astronaut. Congress, Paper IAC-18,D3,3,x47522, 6 pp.

Bernardini, F., Putzig, N., Petersen, E., Abbud-Madrid, A., and Giacinti, V., 2018. Implications for Resource Utilization on Mars: Recent Discoveries and Hypotheses. J. Brit. Interplanet. Soc. 71, 186–189.

Bierson, C. J., Tulaczyk, S., Courville, S. W., Putzig, N. E., 2021. Strong MARSIS Radar Reflections from the Base of Martian South Polar Cap may be due to Conductive Ice or Minerals. Geophys. Res. Lett. 48(13), 6 pp.

Bierson, C. J., Phillips, R. J., Smith, I. B., Wood, S. E., Putzig, N. E., Nunes, D., Byrne, S., 2016. Stratigraphy and Evolution of the Buried CO2 Deposit in the Martian South Polar Cap. Geophys. Res. Lett. 43,

Boisson, J., Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Frigeri, A., Plaut, J. J., Farrell, W. M., Putzig, N. E., Picardi, G., Orosei, R., Lognonné, P., Gurnett, D. A., 2009. Sounding the Subsurface of Athabasca Valles Using MARSIS Radar Data: Exploring the Volcanic and Fluvial Hypotheses for the Origin of the Rafted-Plate Terrain. J. Geoph. Res. 114, E8, E08003,

Bramson, A. M., Byrne, S., Putzig, N. E., Sutton, S., Plaut, J. J., Brothers, T. C., Holt, J. W., 2015. Widespread Excess Ice in Arcadia Planitia, Mars. Geophys. Res. Lett. 42,

Calvin, W.M., Putzig, N.E., Dundas, C.M., Bramson, A.M., Horgan, B.H.N., Seelos, K.D., Sizemore, H.G., Ehlmann, B.L., Morgan, G.A., Holt, J.W., Murchie, S.L., Patterson, G.W., 2021. The Mars Orbiter for Resources, Ices, and Environments (MORIE) Science Goals and Instrument Trades in Radar, Imaging, and Spectroscopy. Planet. Sci. J. 2:76, 13 pp.,

Calvin, W.M., Putzig, N.E., Matousek, S.E., and the MORIE Team, 2020. MORIE: Mars Orbiter for Resources, Ices, and Environments. A Planetary Mission Concept Study Report for the NASA Planetary Science Decadal Survey for the decade 2023-2032. Report originally posted September 2020 now at

Campbell, B.A., Morgan, G.A., Bernardini, F., Putzig, N.E., Nunes, D.C., Plaut, J.J., 2021. Calibration of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Shallow Radar (SHARAD) Data for Subsurface Probing and Surface Reflectivity Studies. Icarus 360, 114358,

Campbell, B. A., Putzig, N. E., Foss II, F. J., Phillips, R. J., 2014. SHARAD Signal Attenuation and Delay Offsets Due to the Martian Ionosphere. IEEE Geosci. Rem. Sensing Lett. 11, 632-635,

Campbell, B. A., Putzig, N. E., Carter, L. M., Morgan, G. A., Phillips, R. J., Plaut, J. J., 2013. Roughness and Near-Surface Density of Mars from SHARAD Radar Echoes. J. Geophys. Res. 118, No. 3, 436-450,

Campbell, B. A., Putzig, N. E., Carter, L. M., Phillips, R. J., 2011. Autofocus Correction of Phase Distortion Effects on SHARAD Echoes. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett. 8, No. 5,

Campbell, B., Carter, L., Phillips, R., Plaut, J., Putzig, N., Safaeinili, A., Seu, R., Biccari, D., Egan, A., Orosei, R., 2008. SHARAD Radar Sounding of the Vastitas Borealis Formation in Amazonis Planitia. J. Geoph. Res. 113, E12010,

Carter, L. M., Campbell, B. A., Holt, J. W., Phillips, R. J., Putzig, N. E., Mattei, S., Seu, R., Okubo, C. H., Egan, A. F., 2009. Dielectric properties of lava flows west of Ascraeus Mons, Mars. Geophys. Res. Lett. 36, L23204,

Carter, L. M., Campbell, B. A., Watters, T. R., Phillips, R. J., Putzig, N. E., Plaut, J. J., Safaeinili, A., Okubo, C. H., Egan, A. F., Seu, R., Biccari, D., Orosei, R., 2009. Shallow Radar (SHARAD) Sounding Observations of the Medusae Fossae Formation, Mars. Icarus 199, 295-302,

Courville, S.W., Perry, M.R., Putzig, N.E., 2021. Lower bounds on the thickness and dust content of layers within the North Polar Layered Deposits of Mars from radar forward modeling. Planet. Sci. J. 2, 28,

Courville, S.W., Putzig, N.E., Perry, M.R., Patterson, G.W., Morgan, G.A., Gemer, A.J., Sava, P.C., Mikesell, T.D., Degner, R., Bramson, A.M., Gulick, S.P.S., Paulsson, B., Amos, C.C., Weber, R., Panning, M., Schmerr, N., 2021. Developing Active Source Seismology for Planetary Science. Whitepaper submitted to the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032. Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 53, 398,

DiCarlofelice, A., Tognolatti, P., Bernardini, F., Croci, R., Morgan, G.A., Perry, M.R., Putzig, N.E., 2024. A new numerical model of the HF antenna of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's (MRO) Shallow Radar (SHARAD) and first results from a test at a high-angle spacecraft roll. Icarus 419,

Dundas, C. M., Bramson, A. M., Ojha, L., Wray, J. J., Mellon, M. T., Byrne, S., McEwen, A. S., Putzig, N. E., Viola, D., Sutton, S., Clark, E., Holt, J. W., 2018. Exposed subsurface ice sheets in the Martian mid-latitudes. Science 359, 199-201,

Foss, F.J., Putzig, N.E., Campbell, B.A., Levin, S.A., Perry, M.R., Holt, J.W., Christoffersen, M.S., Smith, I.B., Morgan, G.A., Russell, A.T., 2024. Producing 3D radargrams from orbital radar sounding data at Mars: History, results, methods, lessons and plans. Icarus 419,

Foss, F.J., Putzig, N.E., Perry, M.R., Morgan, G.A., Russell, A.T., Campbell, B.A., Levin, S.A., Holt, J.W., Christoffersen, M.S., Smith, I.B., 2024. 3D imaging of Mars' shallow subsurface with orbital radar data. Seventh International Conference on Engineering Geophysics, Al Ain, UAE, October 16-19, 2023. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, pp. 105-109.

Foss II, F. J., Putzig, N. E., Campbell, B. A., Phillips, R. J., 2017. 3-D Imaging of Mars' Polar Ice Caps Using Orbital Radar Data. The Leading Edge 36(1), 43-57, PDF available here. NASA manuscript archive.

Golombek, M., Kipp, D., Warner, N., Daubar, I. J., Fergason, R., Kirk, R., Beyer, R., Huertas, A., Piqueux, S., Putzig, N. E., Campbell, B. A., Morgan, G. A., Charalambous, C., Pike, W. T., Gwinner, K., Calef, F., Kass, D., Mischna, M., Ashley, J., Bloom, C., Wigton, N., Hare, T., Schwartz, C., Gengl, H., Redmond, L., Trautman, M., Sweeney, J., Grima, C., Smith, I., Sklyanskiy, E., Lisano, M., Benardino, J., Lognonné, P., Smrekar, S., and Banerdt, W. B., 2017. Selection of the InSight Landing Site. Space Sci. Rev. 211, 5-95,

Golombek, M. P., Haldemann, A. F. C., Simpson, R. A., Fergason, R. L., Putzig, N. E., Arvidson, R. E., Bell III, J. F., Mellon, M. T., 2008. Martian Surface Properties from Joint Analysis of Orbital, Earth-based, and Surface Observations, Ch. 21 in Bell III, J. F., ed., 2008, The Martian Surface: Composition, Mineralogy, and Physical Properties, Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9780521866989.

Grima, C., Putzig, N. E., Campbell, B. A., Perry, M., Gulick, S. P. S., Miller, R. C., Russell, A. T., Scanlan, K. M., Steinbrügge, G., Young, D .A, Kempf, S. D., Ng, G., Buhl, D., Blankenship, D. D., 2022. Investigating the Martian Surface at Decametric Scale: Population, Distribution, and Dimension of Heterogeneity from Radar Statistics. Planet. Sci. J. 3, 236.

Gullikson, A. L., Hayward, R. K., Titus, T. N., Charles, H., Fenton, L. K., Hoover, R., Putzig, N. E., 2018. Mars global digital dune database (MGD3) —Composition, stability, and thermal inertia: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2018–1164, 17 p.,

Hanna, R. D., Hamilton, V. E., Putzig, N. E., 2016. The Complex Relationship Between Olivine Abundance and Thermal Inertia on Mars. J. Geophys. Res.,

Heldmann, J.L., Marinova, M.M., Lim, D.S.S., Wilson, D., Carrato, P., Kennedy, K., Esbeck, A., Anthony Colaprete, T., Elphic, R.C., Captain, J., Zacny, K., Stolov, L., Mellerowicz, B., Palmowski, J., Bramson, A.M., Putzig, N., Morgan, G., Sizemore, H., Coyan, J., 2021. Mission Architecture Using the SpaceX Starship Vehicle to Enable a Sustained Human Presence on Mars. New Space,

Holt, J. W., Fishbaugh, K. E., Byrne, S., Christian, K., Tanaka, K., Russell, P. S., Herkenhoff, K. E., Safaeinili, A., Putzig, N. E., Phillips, R. J., 2010. The Construction of Chasma Boreale on Mars. Nature 465, 446-449,

Holt, J. W., Safaeinili, A., Plaut, J. J., Head, J. W., Phillips, R. J., Seu, R., Kempf, S. D., Choudhary, P., Young, D. A., Putzig, N. E., Biccari, D., Gim, Y., 2008. Radar sounding evidence for buried glaciers in the southern mid-latitudes of Mars. Science 322, 1235-1238,

Hoover, R.H., Robbins, S.J., Putzig, N.E., Riggs, J.D., Hynek, B.M., 2021. Insight Into Formation Processes of Layered Ejecta Craters on Mars From Thermophysical Observations. J. Geophys. Res. 126.

I-MIM MDT, 2022. Final Report of the International Mars Ice Mapper Reconnaissance/Science Measurement Definition Team. 239 pp. Available at

Jakosky, B., Byrne, S., Calvin, W., Curry, S., Ehlmann, B., Eigenbrode, J., Hoehler, T., Horgan, B., Hubbard, S., McCollom, T., Mustard, J., Putzig, T., Rucker, M., Wolff, M., Wordsworth, R., Meyer, M., Zurek, R., 2021. Mars, The Nearest Habitable World – A Comprehensive Program For Future Mars Exploration. Bulletin of the AAS 53.

Jakosky, B. M., Hynek, B. M., Pelkey, S. M., Mellon, M. T., Martínez-Alonso, S., Putzig, N. E., Murphy, N., Christensen, P. R., 2006. Thermophysical Properties of the MER and Beagle II Landing Site Regions on Mars, J. Geophys. Res. 111, E08008,, 20 pp.

Lester, M., Sanchez-Cano, B., Potts, D., Lillis, R., Cartacci, M., Bernardini, F., Orosei, R., Perry, M., Putzig, N., Campbell, B., Blelly, P., Milan, S., Opgenoorth, H., Witasse, O., Redrojo, E.M.M., Russell, A., 2022. The Impact of Energetic Particles on the Martian Ionosphere During a Full Solar Cycle of Radar Observations: Radar Blackouts. J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics 127, e2021JA029535,, 22 pp.

Mank, Z.D., Zacny, K.A., Sabahi, D., Buchbinder, M.J., Bradley, B.C., Stolov, L.A., Sparta, J., Sanasarian, L.D., Costa, J.T., van Susante, P.J., Putzig, N., Wilcox, B.H., Kleinhenz, J., 2021. RedWater: A Rodwell System to Extract Water from Martian Ice Deposits, in: Earth and Space 2021. Presented at the 17th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments, American Society of Civil Engineers, Virtual Conference, 471-480,

Manning, C.V., Bierson, C., Putzig, N.E., and McKay, C.P., 2019. The Formation and Stability of Buried Polar CO2 Deposits on Mars. Icarus 317, 509-517,

Martínez-Alonso, S., Jakosky, B. M., Mellon, M. T., Putzig, N. E., 2005. A volcanic interpretation of Gusev Crater surface materials from thermophysical, spectral, and morphological evidence, J. Geophys. Res. 110, E01003,, 20 pp.

Mellerowicz, B., Zacny, K., Palmowski, J., Bradley, B., Stolov, L., Vogel, B., Ware, L., Yen, B., Sabahi, D., Ridilla, A., Nguyen, H., Faris, D., van Susante, P., Johnson, G., Putzig, N.E., Hecht, M., 2022. RedWater: Water Mining System for Mars. New Space 10, 166-186,

Mellon, M. T., Boynton, W. V., Feldman, W. C., Arvidson, R. E., Titus, T. N., Bandfield, J. L., Putzig, N., and Sizemore, H., 2008. A Pre-Landing Assessment of the Ice-Table Depth and Ground-Ice Characteristics in Martian Permafrost at the Phoenix Landing Site. J. Geophys. Res. 113, E00A25,

Mellon, M. T., Fergason, R. L., Putzig, N. E., 2008. The thermal inertia of the surface of Mars, Ch. 18 in Bell III, J. F., ed., 2008, The Martian Surface: Composition, Mineralogy, and Physical Properties, Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9780521866989.

MEPAG ICE-SAG Final Report, 2019. Report from the Ice and Climate Evolution Science Analysis group (ICE-SAG), Chaired by S. Diniega and N. E. Putzig, 157 pages, posted 2019 Jul 08 by the Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG) at

Miller, R.C., Grima, C., Gulick, S.P.S., Goudge, T.A., Russell, A.T., Perry, M.R., Putzig, N.E., Campbell, B.A., 2024. Dynamic development of the Athabasca Valles outflow system from volcanic facies and 15 m scale roughness. Icarus 419,

Mishev, I.G., Smith, I.B., Quantin, C., Thollot, P., Putzig, N.E., Viviana, C., Chojnacki, M., Campbell, B., 2024. Mapping of Western Valles Marineris Light-toned Layered Deposits and Newly Classified Rim Deposits. J. Geophys. Res. 129, .

Morgan G.A., N.E. Putzig, D.M.H. Baker, A. Pathare, C.M. Dundas, M. Russell, M.R. Perry, M. Chojnacki, H.G. Sizemore, A.M. Bramson, E.I. Petersen, S. Nerozzi, R.H. Hoover, Z. Bain, 2025. Refined Mapping of Subsurface Water Ice on Mars to Support Future Missions. Planet. Sci. J. 6:29,

Morgan G.A., N.E. Putzig, M.R. Perry, H.G. Sizemore, A.M. Bramson, E.I. Petersen, Z.M. Bain, D.M.H. Baker, M. Mastrogiuseppe, R.H. Hoover, I.B. Smith, A. Pathare, C.M. Dundas, B.A. Campbell, 2021. Availability of subsurface water-ice resources in the northern mid-latitudes of Mars. Nature Astronomy 5, 230-236,

Murphy, N. W., Jakosky, B. M., Rafkin, S. C., Larsen, K. W., Putzig, N. E., Mellon, M. T., 2007. Thermophysical properties of the Isidis basin, Mars. J. Geophys. Res. 112, E05004,

Perry, M.R., Russell, A.T., Russell, M.B., Foss, F.J., Chuang, F.C., Morgan, G.A., Bain, Z.M., Campbell, B.A., Putzig, N.E., 2024. Three-dimensional imaging of martian glaciated terrain using Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Shallow Radar (SHARAD) observations. Icarus 419,

Phillips, R. J., Davis, B. J., Tanaka, K. L., Byrne, S., Mellon, M. T., Putzig, N. E., Haberle, R. M., Kahre, M. A., Campbell, B. A., Carter, L. M., Smith, I. B., Holt, J. W., Smrekar, S. E., Nunes, D. C., Plaut, J. J., Egan, A. F., Titus, T. N., Seu, R., 2011. Massive CO2 Ice Deposits Sequestered in the South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars. Science 332, 838-841,

Phillips, R. J., Zuber, M. T., Smrekar, S. E., Mellon, M. T, Head, J. W, Tanaka, K. L., Putzig, N. E., Milkovich, S. M., Campbell, B. A., Plaut, J. J., Safaeinili, A., Seu, R., Biccari, D., Carter, L. M., Picardi, G., Orosei, R., Mohit, P. S., Heggy, E., Zurek, R. W., Egan, A. F., Giacomoni, E., Russo, F., Cutigni, M., Pettinelli, E., Holt, J. W., Leuschen, C. J., Marinangeli, L., 2008. Mars North Polar Deposits: Stratigraphy, Age, and Geodynamical Response. Science 320, 1182-1185,

Plaut, J. J., Safaeinili, A., Holt, J. W., Phillips, R. J., Head, J. W., Seu, R., Putzig, N. E., Frigeri, A., 2009. Radar evidence for ice in lobate debris aprons in the mid-northern latitudes of Mars. Geoph. Res. Lett. 36, L2203,

Putzig, N.E., Seu, R., Morgan, G.A., Smith, I.B., Campbell, B.A., Perry, M.R., Mastrogiuseppe, M., 2024. Science results from sixteen years of MRO SHARAD operations. Icarus 419,

Putzig, N.E. and Morgan, G.A., Sizemore, H.G., Baker, D.M.H., Petersen, E.I., Pathare, A.V., Dundas, C.M., Bramson, A.M., Courville, S.W., Perry, M.R., Nerozzi, S., Bain, Z.M., Hoover, R.H., Campbell, B.A., Mastrogiuseppe, M., Mellon, M.T., Seu, R., Smith, I.B., 2023. Ice Resource Mapping on Mars. In: Badescu, V., Zacny, K., Bar-Cohen, Y. (Eds.), Handbook of Space Resources, Springer, Cham, Ch. 16, pp. 583-616. Preprint Manuscript.

Putzig, N.E., Foss II, F.J., Campbell, B.A., Holt, J.W., Perry, M.R., Smith, I.B., Russell, A.T., Nerozzi, S., Christoffersen, M.S., Mueller, I.H., Sava, P.C., 2022. New Views of the Internal Structure of Planum Boreum from Enhanced 3D Imaging of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Shallow Radar Data. Planet. Sci. J. 3:259, 14 pp.

Putzig, N. E., 2020. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Shallow Radar soundings and implications for future missions. Proc. 18th Int. Conf. Ground Penetrating Radar. Paper prepared for meeting in Golden, Colorado, USA, June 14-19 (cancelled due to pandemic).

Putzig, N.E., Smith, I.B., Perry, M.R., Foss, F.J., II, Campbell, B.A., Phillips, R.J., and Seu, R., 2018. Three-dimensional radar imaging of structures and craters in the Martian polar caps. Icarus 308, 138-147, Accepted Manuscript.

Putzig, N. E., Morgan, G. A., Campbell, B. A., Grima, C., Smith, I. B., Phillips, R. J., Golombek, M., 2017. Radar-derived Properties of the InSight Landing Site in Western Elysium Planitia on Mars. Spac. Sci. Rev. 211, 135-146, Accepted Manuscript.

Putzig, N. E., Phillips, R. J., Campbell, B. A., Mellon, M. T., Holt, J. W., Brothers, T. C., 2014. SHARAD soundings and surface roughness at past, present, and proposed landing sites on Mars: Reflections at Phoenix may be attributable to deep ground ice. J. Geophys. Res., 119 (8), 1936-1949,

Putzig, N. E., Mellon, M. T., Herkenhoff, K. E., Phillips, R. J., Davis, B. J., Ewer, K. J., Bowers, L. M., 2014. Thermal behavior and ice-table depth within the north polar erg of Mars. Icarus 230, 64-76,

Putzig, N. E., Phillips, R. J., Campbell, B. A., Foss II, F. J., 2010. Imaging the Subsurface Structure of Planum Boreum with the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Shallow Radar. Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Ground Penetrating Radar. Paper presented in Lecce, Italy, June 22.

Putzig, N. E., Phillips, R. J., Campbell, B. A., Holt, J. W., Plaut, J. J., Carter, L. M., Egan, A. F., Bernardini, F., Safaeinili, A., Seu, R., 2009. Subsurface structure of Planum Boreum from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Shallow Radar soundings. Icarus 204, 443-457,

Putzig, N. E., Mellon, M. T., 2007. Apparent thermal inertia and the surface heterogeneity of Mars. Icarus 191, 68-94,

Putzig, N. E., Mellon, M. T., 2007. Thermal behavior of horizontally mixed surfaces on Mars. Icarus 191, 52-67,

Putzig, N. E., 2006. Thermal inertia and surface heterogeneity on Mars. Ph. D. dissertation, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, 195 pp. Defense Leaflet and Abstract Full textProQuest.

Putzig, N. E., Mellon, M. T., Kretke, K. A., Arvidson, R. E., 2005. Global thermal inertia and surface properties of Mars from the MGS mapping mission. Icarus 173, 325-341,

Putzig, N. E., 1988. Modeling wide-angle seismic data from the central California margin. Master of Arts thesis, Rice University, Houston, Texas, 145 pp. Abstract; Full text; Rice; ProQuest.

Russell, A.T., Putzig, N.E., Zacny, K., 2023. Site Characterization for the RedWater ISRU System, in: Earth and Space 2022. Presented at the 18th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments, American Society of Civil Engineers, Denver, Colorado, pp. 386-393.

Seu, R., Phillips, R. J., Alberti, G., Biccari, D., Bonaventura, F., Bortone, M., Calabrese, D., Campbell, B. A., Cartacci, M., Carter, L. M., Catallo, C., Croce, A., Croci, R., Cutigni, M., Di Placido, A., Dinardo, S., Federico, C., Flamini, E., Fois, F., Frigeri, A., Fuga, O., Giacomoni, E., Gim, Y., Guelfi, M., Holt, J. W., Kofman, W., Leuschen, C. J., Marinangeli, L., Marras, P., Masdea, A., Mattei, S., Mecozzi, R., Milkovich, S. M., Morlupi, A., Mouginot, J., Orosei, R., Papa, C., Paternò, T., Persi del Marmo, P., Pettinelli, E., Pica, G., Picardi, G., Plaut, J. J., Provenziani, M., Putzig, N. E., Russo, F., Safaeinili, A., Salzillo, G., Santovito, M. R., Smrekar, S. E., Tattarletti, B., Vicari, D., 2007. Accumulation and Erosion of Mars' South Polar Layered Deposits. Science 317, 1715,, 4 pp.

Smith, I.B., Hayne, P.O., Byrne, S., Becerra, P., Kahre, M., Calvin, W., Hvidberg, C., Milkovich, S., Buhler, P., Landis, M., Horgan, B., Kleinböhl, A. ,Perry, M.R., Obbard, R., Stern, J., Piqueux, S., Thomas, N., Zacny, K., Carter, L., Edgar, L., Emmett, J., Navarro, T., Hanley, J., Koutnik, M., Putzig, N., Henderson, B.L., Holt, J.W., Ehlmann, B., Parra, S., Lalich, D., Hansen, C., Hecht, M., Banfield, D., Herkenhoff, K., Paige, D.A., Skidmore, M., Staehle, R.L., Siegler, M., 2020. The Holy Grail: A road map for unlocking the climate record stored within Mars' polar layered deposits. Planetary and Space Science 184, 104841,

Smith, I. B., Schlegel, N.-J., Larour, E., Isola, I., Buhler, P. B., Putzig, N. E., Greve, R., 2022. Carbon dioxide ice glaciers at the south pole of Mars. J. Geophys. Res., 127, e2022JE007193.

Smith, I. B., Putzig, N. E., Phillips, R. J., Holt, J. W., 2016. A Record of Martian Ice Ages. Science 352, 1075-1078,

Stamenković, V., Beegle, L.W., Zacny, K., Arumugam, D.D., Baglioni, P., Barba, N., Baross, J., Bell, M.S., Bhartia, R., Blank, J.G., Boston, P.J., Breuer, D., Brinckerhoff, W., Burgin, M.S., Cooper, I., Cormarkovic, V., Davila, A., Davis, R.M., Edwards, C., Etiope, G., Fischer, W.W., Glavin, D.P., Grimm, R.E., Inagaki, F., Kirschvink, J.L., Kobayashi, A., Komarek, T., Malaska, M., Michalski, J., Ménez, B., Mischna, M., Moser, D., Mustard, J., Onstott, T.C., Orphan, V.J., Osburn, M.R., Plaut, J., Plesa, A.-C., Putzig, N., Rogers, K.L., Rothschild, L., Russell, M., Sapers, H., Lollar, B.S., Spohn, T., Tarnas, J.D., Tuite, M., Viola, D., Ward, L.M., Wilcox, B., and Woolley, R., 2019. The next frontier for planetary and human exploration. Nature Astronomy 185,

Zurek, R., Tamppari, L., Johnston, M.D., Murchie, S., McEwen, A., Byrne, S., Seu, R., Putzig, N., Kass, D., Malin, M., Cantor, B., 2024. MRO overview: Sixteen years in Mars orbit. Icarus 419,

Zurek, R., Campbell, B., Byrne, S., Calvin, W., Carter, L.M., Clancy, R.T., Ehlmann, B., Garvin, J.B., Kahre, M., Kerber, L.A., Murchie, S., Putzig, N.E., Salvatore, M.R., Smith, M.D., Tamppari, L., Thomson, B., Diniega, S., Lock, R.E., Bridges, N., Whitley, R., Bussey, B., Meyer, M., Pratt, L., 2021. Mars Next Orbiter Science Analysis Group (NEX-SAG): White Paper Report to the 2023-2032 Planetary Sciences and Astrobiology Decadal Survey. Bulletin of the AAS 53,

Public and invited lectures

Foss II, F. J., Putzig, N. E., Campbell, B. A., Phillips, R. J., 2017. 3D imaging of Mars' polar ice caps using orbital radar data. Invited joint presentation by Foss and Putzig, Denver Geophysical Society luncheon, Denver, Colorado, January 12. Abstract.

Putzig, N. E., 2023. Exploration for Ice on Mars. Invited speaker, Colorado Chautauqua, Space Science Series, Boulder, Colorado, January 9.

Putzig, N. E., 2022. Exploration of Water Ice Deposits on Mars. Invited panelist, Applied Geophysics in Space Exploration panel, International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy, Houston, Texas, August 31.

Putzig, N. E., 2020. Exploring Mars with Ground-Penetrating Radar. Invited presentation. British Interplanetary Society, online, December 16.

Putzig, N. E., and the MRO SHARAD Team, 2019. Mapping of volatile ices on Mars with SHARAD and implications for future missions. Invited presentation, Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Workshop, Montreal, Canada, October 3.

Putzig, N. E., 2018. Exploring the Interior and Climate History of Mars with MRO's Shallow Radar Sounder. Colloquium, invited presentation. Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, St. Louis, Missouri, April 12.

Putzig, N. E., 2017. Exploring the Interior and Climate History of Mars with MRO's Shallow Radar Sounder. Heiland Lecture, invited presentation. Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, January 19. Abstract.

Putzig, N. E., Foss II, F. J., Campbell, B. A., 2016. Three-dimensional radar imaging of structures within the north polar cap of Mars. Invited Keynote presentation, 22nd Annual 3D Seismic Symposium of The Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists and The Denver Geophysical Society, Denver, Colorado, March 3. Abstract.

Putzig, N. E., Foss II, F. J., 2015. SeisWare on Mars. Presented SHARAD 3D volume of Planum Boreum in the SeisWare booth at the 2015 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, October 18-23.

Putzig, N. E., Seu, R., Phillips, R. J., and the SHARAD Team, 2015. SHARAD: Bringing a third dimension to Mars exploration. Presented at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory seminar on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Project: 10 Years of Exploration at Mars, October 15.

Putzig, N. E., 2015. Subsurface Imaging with SHARAD and Implications for the Recent Climate History of Mars. University of Colorado, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics Seminar, January 15.

Putzig, N. E., 2013. 3-D imaging of the polar caps of Mars with SHARAD. Invited lecture for seminar on the Exploration of Mars with the MARSIS and SHARAD Italian Radars, DIET, Sapienza Università di Roma, May 7.

Putzig, N. E., 2013. 3-D radar imaging of the Martian polar caps. Keynote address for Mars & Beyond Session, Crossroads Conference, University of Indiana Department of Geology, April 4.

Putzig, N. E., 2013. CAT scans of Mars: Three-dimensional imaging of the polar layered deposits with SHARAD. University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory Colloquium, January 29. Abstract.

Putzig, N. E., 2012. SeisWare on Mars: Structure, stratigraphy, and depositional history of the Martian north polar cap from 2-D and 3-D orbital radar sounder data. Presented in the SeisWare booth at the 2012 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, November 4-9.

Putzig, N. E., 2010. Subsurface Radar Mapping of Mars. University of Colorado Astrobiology Seminar, November 17. Abstract.

Putzig, N. E., 2007. Mars in 3D: Layering from thermal and radar investigations. Southwest Research Institute Colloquium, Boulder, Colorado, March 8.

Putzig, N. E., 2006. Thermal inertia and surface heterogeneity on Mars. PhD dissertation defense, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, August 29. Defense Leaflet and Abstract.

Putzig, N. E., 1988. Modeling wide-angle seismic data from the central California margin. Masters thesis defense, Rice University, Houston, Texas, April 15.

Selected conference abstracts

Amos, C.C., N.E. Putzig, M.R. Perry, B.N.P. Paulsson, J. Thornburg, M. Wylie, H. Hardiman, R. He, P. Sava, S.W. Courville, K. Zacny, G. Paulsen, T.D. Mikesell, 2019. Fiber Optic Geophones for use in Planetary Subsurface Exploration. LPSC L, Abstract 2623.

Bain Z. M., Putzig N. E., Robbins S. J., Hoover R. H., Bramson A. M., Petersen E. I., Morgan G. A., 2019. Analysis of Layered Ejecta Craters with Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Shallow Radar (SHARAD) Data. 9th Intl. Conf. on Mars, Abstract 6423.

Barratt, E. M., Putzig, N. E., 2013. Thermophysical Analysis of Gale Crater Using TES and THEMIS Observations. EPSC Abstract 613. Presented by E. M. Barratt at the European Planetary Science Conference in London, UK, Sep 10.

Bowers, L. M., Putzig, N. E., 2011. Dune Morphology and its Effects on the Thermal Behavior of Olympia Undae. LPSC XLII, Abstract 2819. Poster presented at the 42st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas, March 10.

Courville, S. W., N. E. Putzig, P. C. Sava, M. R. Perry, 2019. Preparing to image the Martian subsurface: planetary active-source seismology vs. radar, and the ARES concept. AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract P44B-05.

Courville, S. W., Putzig, N. E., Sava, P. C., Mikesell, T. D., Perry, M. R., 2018. ARES: An Autonomous Roving Exploration System for Planetary Active-Source Seismic Data Acquisition. AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract P54D-02, eLightning presentation.

Courville, S. W., Putzig, N. E., Hoover, R., Fenton, L. K., 2016. Thermophysical Variation within Dune Fields in the Southern Hemisphere of Mars. AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract P21A-2073.

Havlat, D., B. I. Maly, S. W. Courville, M. R. Perry, Z. M., Bain, N. E. Putzig, 2019. Martian Dust Cover May Permit More Detailed Subsurface Discovery. AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract P41C-3459.

Hoover, R. H., Robbins, S. J., Putzig, N. E., Fenton, L. K., Hayward, R., Riggs, J., Courville, S. W., 2018. Examining Thermal Inertia of Layered Ejecta Craters and Southern Hemisphere Dunes on Mars. LPSC XLIV, Abstract 1811.

Hynek, B. M., Putzig, N. E., 2005. Ground Truth For Remotely-Sensed Thermal Infrared Data of Mars. Geol. Soc. Amer., Paper No. 233-8.

Levander, A. R., Putzig, N. E., 1987. Interpretation of continuous-offset seismic profile in the central California margin, Eos Trans. AGU 68 (44), 1366 (abstract). Invited paper presented at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California, December 7-10.

Levander, A. R., Putzig, N. E., Gibson, B. S., 1987. A continuous-offset seismic experiment in the central California margin, Eos Trans. AGU 68 (16), 348 (abstract). Presented at the AGU Spring Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, May 18.

Maly, B. I., D. Havlat, Z. M. Bain, M. R. Perry, N. E. Putzig, S. W. Courville, 2019. The Northern Terminus of Ground-Ice Detections in Arcadia Planitia on Mars May Be Attributable to Surface Effects. AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract P41C-3465

Mellon, M. T., Putzig, N.E, 2007. The apparent thermal inertia of layered surfaces on Mars, LPSC XXXVIII, Abstract 2184. Poster presented at the 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in League City, Texas, March 12.

Mueller, I., Russell, A. T., Perry, M. R., Putzig, N. E., 2021. Layer structure of Upper Gemina Lingula on Mars Within a New 3D Radar Image. AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract P35G-2211. Link to iPoster.

O'Shea, P. M., Putzig, N. E., Van Kooten, S. J., Fenton, L. K., 2015. The Effects of Dune Slopes and Material Heterogeneity on the Thermal Behavior of Dune Fields in Mars' Southern Hemisphere. AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract P43A-2092. Presented December 17.

Phillips, R. J., Putzig, N. E., Head, J. W., Egan, A. F., Plaut, J. J., Safaeinili, A., Smrekar, S. E., Milkovich, S. M., Nunes, D. C., Campbell, B. A., Carter, L. M., Holt, J. W., Seu, R., Orosei, R., 2009. Subsurface Structure of the South Polar Layered Deposits, Mars. LPSC XL, Abstract 2007. Presented by N. E. Putzig at the 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas, March 24.

Putzig, N. E., Morgan, G. A., Bernardini, F., Perry, M. R., DiCarlofelice, A., Tognolatti, P., 2023. Teaching an old spacecraft new tricks: Boosting radar signals with extreme MRO rolls. AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract P41H-3274.

Putzig N. E., Morgan G. A., Sizemore H. G., Baker D. M. H., Bramson A. M., Petersen E. I., Bain Z. M., Hoover R. H., Perry M. R., Mastrogiuseppe M., Smith I. B., Campbell B. A., Pathare A. V., Dundas C. M, 2019. Results of the Mars Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (SWIM) Project. 9th Intl. Conf. on Mars, Abstract 6427.

Putzig, N. E., 2018. Global mapping of volatile ices with SHARAD. AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract P23B-07.

Putzig, N. E., Smith, I. B., Whitten, J. L., Campbell, B. A., 2017. Assessing Zones of Low Radar Reflectivity Across the South Polar Cap of Mars. AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract P43C-2894.

Putzig, N. E., Foss II, F. J., Campbell, B. A., Phillips R. J., Smith, I. B., 2016. Structures Within the South Polar Cap of Mars from Three-dimensional Radar Imaging. AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract P54B-07.

Putzig, N. E., Foss II, F. J., Campbell, B. A., Smith, I. B., Phillips R. J., 2016. Structures Within Martian Polar Caps Revealed in SHARAD 3-D Radar Volumes. Sixth Mars Polar Science Conference, Abstract 6101.

Putzig, N. E., Phillips, R. J., Campbell, B. A., Plaut, J. J., Holt, J. W., Bernardini, F., Egan, A. F., Smith, I. B., 2016. Custom SHARAD processing via the CO-SHARPS Processing Boutique. LPSC XLVII, Abstract 3010.

Putzig, N. E., Morgan, G. A., Campbell, B. A., Grima, C., Smith, I. B., Phillips, R. J., 2016. Radar Properties of the Proposed InSight Landing Site in Western Elysium Planitia on Mars. LPSC XLVII, Abstract 1655.

Putzig, N. E., Foss II, F. J., Campbell, B. A., Phillips R. J., Smith, I. B., 2015. 3-D Radar Imaging Reveals Deep Structures and Buried Craters Within the Martian Polar Caps. AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract P53G-05.

Putzig, N. E., Phillips, R. J., Smith, I. B., Thomason, C. J., Mellon, M. T., Campbell, B. A., Wood, S. E., 2015. Low Radar Reflectivity in Planum Australe Points to Past Episodes of Martian Atmospheric Collapse. LPSC XLVI, Abstract 2586. Presented at the 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas, March 19.

Putzig, N. E., Foss II, F. J., Campbell, B. A., Phillips, R. J., 2014. New views of Planum Boreum Interior in a Migrated 3-D Volume of SHARAD Data. 8th Int. Mars Conf., Abstract 1336. Presented at the 8th International Conference on Mars in Pasadena, California, July 16.

Putzig, N. E., Foss II, F. J., Campbell, B. A., Phillips, R. J., 2014. Interior of Mars' Planum Boreum Fully Imaged in a 3-D Volume of SHARAD Data. LPSC XLV, Abstract 2624. Poster presented at the 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas, March 18.

Putzig, N. E., Barratt, E. M., Mellon, M. T., Michaels, T. I., 2013. MARSTHERM: A Web-based System Providing Thermophysical Analysis Tools for Mars Research. Abstract P43C-2023. Poster presented at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California, December 12.

Putzig, N. E., Foss II, F. J., Campbell, B. A., Phillips, R. J., 2013. Three-dimensional imaging of the Martian polar ice caps from orbit with the MRO Shallow Radar sounder. Abstract. Presented at the SEG/AGU Joint Workshop on Cryosphere Geophysics, Boise, Idaho, January 7.

Putzig, N. E., Foss II, F. J., Campbell, B. A., Phillips, R. J., 2012. Martian CAT scan: Three-dimensional imaging of Planum Boreum with Shallow Radar data. Abstract P33C-1953. Poster presented at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California, December 5.

Putzig, N. E., Bowers, L. M., Mellon, M. T., Herkenhoff, K. E., Phillips, R. J., 2012. Thermal Effects of Physical Heterogeneity in Olympia Undae. Third International Planetary Dunes Workshop: Remote Sensing and Image Analysis of Planetary Dunes. Held June 11-15, 2012 in Flagstaff, Arizona. Abstract 7054. Presented Jun 14.

Putzig, N. E., Campbell, B. A., Phillips, R. J., Mellon, M. T., 2012. SHARAD Sounding and Surface Roughness of Once and Future Mars Landing Sites. LPSC XLIII, Abstract 2864. Presented at the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas, March 21.

Putzig, N. E., Phillips, R. J., Holt, J. W., Smith, I. B., Carter, L. M., Seu, R., for the SHARAD Team, 2011. SHARAD observations of recent geologic features on Mars. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting, Nantes, France. Abstract EPSC-DPS2011-1591. Presented Oct 3.

Putzig, N. E., Foss II, F. J., Campbell, B. A., Phillips, R. J., 2011. 3-D Subsurface Imaging of Planum Boreum with SHARAD Data. 5th Mars Polar Sci. Expl. Conf., Fairbanks, Alaska. Abstract 6062. Poster presented Sep 13.

Phillips, R. J., Putzig, N. E., Davis, B. J., 2011. SHARAD Maps a Large CO2 Mass in the South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars. 5th Mars Polar Sci. Expl. Conf., Fairbanks, Alaska. Abstract 6082. Presented by N. E. Putzig Sep 12.

Putzig, N. E., Phillips, R. J., Davis, B. J., Campbell, B. A., Holt, J. W., 2010. Shallow Radar Soundings of the four candidate landing sites for MSL Curiosity. Abstract P34A-04. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California, December 15.

Putzig, N. E., Mellon, M. T., Herkenhoff, K. E., Phillips, R. J., Davis, B. J., Ewer, K. J., 2010. Thermal Anomaly in Martian North Polar Erg likely due to near-surface ice. Second International Planetary Dunes Workshop: Analogs -- Integrating Models, Remote Sensing and Field Data. Held May 18-21, 2010 in Alamosa Colorado. LPI Contribution No. 1552, p. 50-51, Abstract 2037. Presented May 18.

Putzig, N. E., Mellon, M. T., Herkenhoff, K. E., Phillips, R. J., Davis, B. J., Ewer, K. J., 2010. Near-surface Ice Likely Cause of Thermal Anomaly in Martian North Polar Erg. LPSC XLI, Abstract 2495. Poster presented at the 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas, March 1-5.

Putzig, N. E., Phillips, R. J., Plaut, J. J., Mellon, M. T., Head, J. W., Campbell, B. A., Carter, L. M., Egan, A. F., Seu, R., 2009. Shallow Radar Soundings of the Southern Highlands of Mars. Abstract P13B-1280. Poster presented at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California, December 14.

Putzig, N. E., Phillips, R. J., Head, J. W., Mellon, M. T., Campbell, B. A., Egan, A. F., Plaut, J. J., Carter, L. M., Seu, R., 2009. Shallow Radar Soundings of the Northern Lowlands of Mars. Geol. Soc. Amer., Abstract 20-13. Presented by N. E. Putzig at the 2009 GSA Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, October 18.

Putzig, N. E., Phillips, R. J., Head, J. W., Mellon, M. T., Campbell, B. A., Egan, A. F., Plaut, J. J., Carter, L. M., and the SHARAD Team, 2009. Do Shallow Radar Soundings Reveal Possible Near-surface Layering Throughout the Northern Lowlands of Mars? LPSC XL, Abstract 2477. Poster presented at the 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas, March 24.

Putzig, N. E., Phillips, R. J., Seu, R., Biccari, D., Safaeinili, A., Holt, J. W., Plaut, J. J., Egan, A. F., and the SHARAD Team, 2008. Subsurface Structure of Planum Boreum on Mars from Shallow Radar (SHARAD) Soundings, Eos Trans. AGU, 89 (53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract P41B-1374. Poster presented at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California, December 18.

Putzig, N. E., Mellon, M. T., Herkenhoff, K. E., Phillips, R. J., 2008. Thermophysical analysis of the North Polar Erg on Mars. Planetary Dunes Workshop: A Record of Climate Change. Held April 29-May 2, 2008 in Alamogordo, New Mexico. LPI Contribution No. 1403, p.54-55, Abstract 7032. Presented May 1.

Putzig, N. E., Phillips, R. J., Holt, J. W., Safaeinili, A., Plaut, J. J., Smrekar, S. E., Seu, R., Biccari, D., Campbell, B. A., Carter, L. M., Egan, A. F., Giacomoni, E., Russo, F., Cutigni, M., Fuga, O., and the SHARAD Team, 2008. Stratigraphic mapping of the North Polar Layered Deposits on Mars from radar soundings, LPSC XXXIX, Abstract 2355. Presented by N. E. Putzig at the 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in League City, Texas, March 11.

Putzig, N. E., Holt, J. W., Phillips, R. J., Seu, R., Biccari, D., Campbell, B. A., Carter, L. M., Safaeinili, A., Egan, A. F., 2007. Internal Structure of the North Polar Layered Deposits on Mars from SHARAD Observations, Eos Trans. AGU, 88 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract P11B-0544. Poster presented at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California, December 10.

Putzig, N. E., Phillips, R. J., Seu, R., Safaeinili, A., Plaut, J. J., Biccari, D., Campbell, B. A., Carter, L. M., Holt, J. W., Leuschen, C. J., Byrne, S., Orosei, R., Picardi, G., Smrekar, S. E., Fois, F., Egan, A. F., Bernardini, F., Nunes, D. C., and the SHARAD Team, 2007. Internal Structure of the North Polar Layered Deposits from Radar Sounding, 7th Int. Mars Conf., Abstract 3295. Poster presented at the 7th International Conference on Mars in Pasadena, California, July 9-13.

Putzig, N. E., Mellon, M. T., 2006. Effects of surface heterogeneity on the apparent thermal inertia of Mars, LPSC XXXVII, Abstract 2316. Poster presented at the 37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in League City, Texas, March 16.

Putzig, N. E., Mellon, M. T., Golombek, M. P., Arvidson, R. E., 2006. Thermophysical properties of the Phoenix Mars landing site study regions, LPSC XXXVII, Abstract 2426. Poster presented at the 37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in League City, Texas, March 14.

Putzig, N. E., Mellon, M. T., 2005. Mars Surface Heterogeneity From Variations in Apparent Thermal Inertia, Eos Trans. AGU, 86 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract P24A-02. Invited paper presented at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California, December 6.

Putzig, N. E., Mellon, M. T., Jakosky, B. M., Pelkey, S. M., Martínez-Alonso, S., Hynek, B. M., Murphy, N. W., 2004. Mars thermal inertia from THEMIS data, LPSC XXXV, Abstract 1863. Poster presented at the 35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in League City, Texas, March 18.

Putzig, N. E., Mellon, M. T., Arvidson, R. E., 2003. Thermophysical properties of the martian south polar region, 6th Int. Mars Conf., Abstract 3173. Poster presented at the 6th International Conference on Mars in Pasadena, California, July 24.

Putzig, N. E., Mellon, M. T., Arvidson, R. E., Kretke, K. A., 2003. Thermal inertia analysis of the martian globe, south polar region, and past landing sites, LPSC XXXIV, Abstract 1429. Presented by N. E. Putzig at the 34th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in League City, Texas, March 18.

Putzig, N. E., King, K. M., Dwan, F. S., 1992. Yemen 1992 Reprocessing at Pecten, Shell Oil Company confidential paper. Presented by N. E. Putzig at the Shell 1992 SIPMAP Workshop in The Hague, The Netherlands, October 5, and at the Shell 1993 Geophysical Conference in Houston, Texas, March 23.

Putzig, N. E., Levander, A. R., 1988. Interpretation of continuous-offset seismic data in the central California margin, AAPG Bulletin 72 (3), 392 (abstract). Invited paper presented at Pacific sections AAPG, SEG, SEPM, SPWLA annual meeting in Santa Barbara, California, April 18.

Van Kooten, S. J., Putzig, N. E., O'Shea, P. M., Fenton, L. K., 2016. Investigating the Poleward Trend of Southern Dune Field Stabilization on Mars Using Thermophysical Observations. LPSC XLVII, Abstract 2528.

Van Kooten, S. J., Putzig, N. E., Fenton, L. K., 2015. Investigating the Poleward Trend of Southern Dune Field Stabilization on Mars Using Thermophysical Observations. Fourth International Planetary Dunes Workshop: Integrating Models, Remote Sensing and Field Data. Abstract 8052.